


翻译,A "high risk" work

Writing、Phrase rich in multiple meanings and different cultural backgrounds,在交流中,They all have the information you are trying to convey critical impact。 同样地,将文字直接翻译成另一种语言时,原文包含的某些意思可能会丢失,Then there was also the risk。Original language to the target language translation,往往是将对应的词汇语句进行更替,The context、Cultural habits are easily overlooked。 Read More

Audio transcriptions

音频抄录 罗赛塔翻译也提供一种快速和专业的音频抄录服务,将口语的原件转换成书面形式我们会委任一位专业抄录人员将录音中所说的逐字打出来,随后我们也可以为你的脚本翻译

好质量的声音档案能有好的抄录结果电子档案是首选的因为它们提供最快和最容易的方式并可以安全稳妥地传到我们的网站。 另外,罗赛塔翻译也可为下列不同形式提供抄录服务:small、 Micro and Standard Cassettes;mini disc、CD and DVD。Please note,如果通过邮递我们建议您以特快专递或快件形式邮寄,so you can track delivery results。

所有罗赛塔抄录都经过两个阶段进行,首先由一位专业抄录人员从录音抄录,It is then checked for accuracy and completeness by a second linguist。any word、 Phrases or unclear pinyin will be replaced by [置于方括号中] Indicates that this needs to be checked by the customer。

Completed files can be emailed following your instructions、CD or Hard Disk Duplication,returned within the agreed period。For example,你可以在开始前选择逐字抄录或标准copy。

也可以插入时间编码以显示每位不同的发言者,at an additional cost。

Many factors affect the time it takes to transcribe an audio recording。 The price of each item is different,will depend on the content、Number of speakers、speech speed、Is there a level of speech、accent、Noise and quality of audio recording etc.。If the audio recording differs significantly from the material provided or the recording is unclear,We reserve the right to change the quotation。

For a free quote,Please fill us inLine application form,For more information, please send an email

