Patent Translation



翻译,A "high risk" work

Writing、Phrase rich in multiple meanings and different cultural backgrounds,在交流中,They all have the information you are trying to convey critical impact。 同样地,将文字直接翻译成另一种语言时,原文包含的某些意思可能会丢失,Then there was also the risk。Original language to the target language translation,往往是将对应的词汇语句进行更替,The context、Cultural habits are easily overlooked。 Read More

Patent Translation

In an era of great importance to intellectual property,专业申请显得越发重要如何让您的科技成果更好更精确的面向市场面对消费者Rosetta Translation Company让您的科技成果无国界
Patent TranslationTranslation is a demanding job,It not only requires translators have a high level of foreign language,The same time to know the technical field of the patent related art,同时要熟悉相关专利法律和法规的内容Patent TranslationGenerally include technical field,If the invention topics,Product Device,Manufacturing method using methods,Technical content,Technical solutions,以及主要用途和技术优点虽然看似篇幅不长,ButPatent TranslationSpecial attention faithful to the original,Especially in the field of technologySpecializedLanguage translation,This is not only the language requirements,也需要对该领域有一定了解才能做到的准确用语

Professional translators

由于专利文件的撰写和翻译质量直接关系到专利能否被各国专利局授权这一前景,Also related to the stability of the patent has been granted the right after,专利文件的翻译质量非常重要Rosetta Translation CompanyStrict SafeSearch translator,Translators have chosen has some experience in the field of customer requirements,While the interpreter began to translate ago,Also on special technical terms related fields carefully combed,务求翻译精确用词到位

Efficient proofreading services

Patent document is not a purely technical translation,Nor is it purely legal translation,而是两者的有机结合和统一要翻译好一篇专利文件需要至少运用三方面的知识:legal、技术和外语罗赛塔翻译长期以来重视译员质量,While maintaining efficient and secure proofreading program,Proofreading the content of our translation services incidental to the translation of documents to ensure the integrity and unity of every,并且母语国家的专业校对人员最终校译的翻译为语言内容方面提供了坚实的保障

