UK visa application pieces translation of new regulations



翻译,A "high risk" work

Writing、Phrase rich in multiple meanings and different cultural backgrounds,在交流中,They all have the information you are trying to convey critical impact。 同样地,将文字直接翻译成另一种语言时,原文包含的某些意思可能会丢失,Then there was also the risk。Original language to the target language translation,往往是将对应的词汇语句进行更替,The context、Cultural habits are easily overlooked。 Read More

UK visa application pieces translation of new regulations

Since 2009,英国使馆对签证申请的翻译件做出了如下规定

The applicant shall provide an English translation of all original documents,且申请人不能自己翻译本人的申请文件

When submitting a translation,You must also provide a simultaneous. Full name of translator; b. translators owned work units; c.翻译人员所在工作单位详细地址和联系方式d.翻译人员资历证明; e. to prove the authenticity of the translation; f. Signature translator / translation company seal;g. Translation date

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