Localization translation



翻译,A "high risk" work

Writing、Phrase rich in multiple meanings and different cultural backgrounds,在交流中,They all have the information you are trying to convey critical impact。 同样地,将文字直接翻译成另一种语言时,原文包含的某些意思可能会丢失,Then there was also the risk。Original language to the target language translation,往往是将对应的词汇语句进行更替,The context、Cultural habits are easily overlooked。 Read More

Localization translation

The so-called "localization",Refers to overseas subsidiaries or branches in other parts of multinationals engaged in production and business activities in the host country during,为迅速适应东道国的经济文化政治环境,Dilute the enterprise's home country or region of the original color,在人员资金产品零部件的来源技术开发等方面都实施当地化策略,使其成为地道的当地公司“本地化”的实质是原公司将其经营理念全方位融入东道国经济中的过程,Is really assume civic responsibility in the host country,And integration and corporate culture rooted in local cultural patterns in the process,Thus these exotic new concepts quickly digest翻译成本地文化并推广成为海外新公司进入东道国市场的重要切入点

The importance of localization translation

现代科技发展的突飞猛进使资讯沟通人员交流商品消费在世界范围变得更加便利,More and more consumer goods as well as individual lifestyle has been out of the country and become part of the global marketing of products,With the global epidemic trends,成为分布于世界各地的人们共同追逐的对象经济全球化的浪潮正在席卷世界各地一个统一市场正在形成随着全球统一市场的形成,Impact of the unique culture and way of life around the world affected by economic globalization trend of deeper integration,发达国家流行的消费文化因为商品和代言人形象的普及化开始在世界各地泛滥Rosetta Translation Company能起到的中间桥梁的作用也因此显得越发重要

